Guyetts Funerals in Warrnambool has an experienced and dedicated team of full-time staff and a fantastic group of casual employees, providing professional funeral services, care and support for families.
Brian Guyett
- Funeral DirectorBrian has been continuing the family tradition since 1973 and is a director of Guyetts Funerals. Brian’s main responsibilities are coordinating and managing funerals and he leads the team in providing professional and caring services.
Alice Guyett-Wood
- DirectorAlice is a director of Guyetts Funerals and has been working in the family business since 1971. Alice works mostly in administration and is responsible for the day-to-day management of the business. This also includes arranging funerals and pre-paid funerals.
Adam Jones
- Funeral Arranger & ConductorAdam has been with Guyetts Funerals since 2003 firstly as a member of the casual staff team. In 2007 he became a full-time member of staff and has progressed to become an experienced funeral arranger/conductor and trained embalmer. He enjoys the variety and meticulous nature of the work and the opportunity to serve others.
Robert Anderson
- Funeral ServicesRobert has been part of our casual team of employees since 2013, working with the funeral services team. Robert also assists in full-time relieving roles. Robert is now a funeral conductor.
Megan Wood
Megan Wood is the daughter of Alice, she has been with Guyetts since 2013. Her roles are audio visual department, funeral directors assistant and office administration.
Long-serving employees
We celebrate their dedication by recognising past and current members of Guyetts Funerals in Warrnambool and district.
Jack Guyett: 51 years, 1935-1986
Marj Guyett: 48 years, 1959-2007
Pat Leishman: 45 years, Port Fairy
Jack Daffy: 43 years, Warrnambool, 1959-2002
Thomas George Guyett: 38 years, 1905-1943
John Blackwell Guyett: 30 years
Ernest Paul Guyett: 30 years
Bert Guyett: 30 years