My beautiful Uncle Peter,
April 29, 2021
Such a loving man. He was always so warm and welcoming. We remember when he was so excited to fish in Lakes Entrance without bait! He was amazed that all he needed to do was lean over the jetty and feed the fish grass and catch them! You will be truly missed Uncle Pete. All our love to Aunty Glenda and families. Sarah, Aaron, Patrick and LilyGlenda & family, I’m so sorry to hear of Peter’s passing. Thinking of you at this sad time. Love & strength to you all for tomorrow.
April 29, 2021
Love from Maria (Paterson)XXLoved and respected brother in law,uncle but most of all a great friend who will be sadly missed. Ken Sandra & Families. X
April 29, 2021Thinking of you Glenda and all the family. Sincere sympathy
April 29, 2021
Jeanette & HenryMy thoughts go out to Glenda and the family in this really sad time.I will be thinking of you all tomorrow.
April 29, 2021
Rest In Peace Peter xxx