DRAKE, Victor. – Formerly of Allansford.
On October 20, 2017 at Warrnambool.
Much loved husband of Evelyn (dec.).
Partner of Roslyn.
Dearly loved father and father-in-law of Colin and Kerryl, Jeanette and Ken, Cherylene and Tim, Sharon and Stephen, Janine and Justin, Damian and Lydia.
Adored Grandpa ‘Vic’ of Josh and Bec, Callum, Charlotte; Conor, Rory; Meghan, Hamish, Lucy; Ollie, Aisha; Georgia and James.
Aged 85 years
Your inspiration to live life as it should be lived will forever be remembered. The family home you provided for us was always full of kindness and care.
You guided us gently through our ups and downs. Thanks for making us the people we are. We strive to guide our children through life just the way you did for us.
Thanks Dad
- Your loving family