14/08/1951 – 11/04/2024
After a brave battle with mesothelioma, Jack passed away at his home in Warrnambool. surrounded by his loving family
Beloved husband of Carolyn (Caro).
Loved and cherished father and father-in- law of Brendan and Carla, Damien and Erica, Olivia and Ty.
Loved and adored Pop and Poppy of Paris, Sienna, Lucas, Darcy, Ashton, James and Scarlett, friend of Ethan and Aidan.
May the road rise up to meet you
May the wind be always at your back
May the sun shine warm upon your face
May the rains fall soft upon your fields
And, until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of his hand
My darling Jackery, you truly were my one in a million, it was obvious from the start, we realised very early that we shared very similar hopes and dreams in the years ahead. Fifty two and a half years together, just shy of our fiftieth wedding anniversary this coming June but we made the most of the final six years of your life, your love for your wife, three beautiful children and their partners and seven loving grandchildren filled those final years. You strived for normalcy during those years and there was hardly a complaint during the initial chemotherapy and then immunotherapy. Sadly not even you could beat such a dreadful disease.
We were so lucky that you could be cared for at home and in the latter weeks by the amazing Palliative Care Staff in the Home. Our sincere thanks go to Dr Emma Greenwood, Genevieve, Josh, Mel, Pauline and Heather for their care and attention during those times. We also thank Dr Michael Quinn in the initial diagnosis and in the latter months of Kevin’s life, thank you to Dr Jenna Dwyer for her medical expertise.
Our family will never forget the care and attention tendered to our Kevin by our Oncologist, Dr Theresa Hayes who decided to treat Kevin with the drug called Keytruda to see if this drug could place a pause on the disease and it gave him a further 30 months of life. The final thank you goes to a small but dedicated team of nurses at St John of God Hospital Oncology Department, led by Laura and Cathy and assisted by Amy, Sam, Mikaela, Nicola and Tina. Kevin had around fifty visits to Oncology so naturally there was lots of lovely banter, plenty of talk around what Kevin was cooking on the Weber and lots of positivity throughout. Kevin was truly blessed to have all of the amazing Doctors and Staff to assist his treatments.
So, my dearest love, we never knew which one of us would pass away first, but, rest assured, that if from time to time when you are walking slowly along your new journey path, please look back over your shoulder from time to time and sure enough, in time, I will be there in the distance calling your name . Love always.
Private Funeral
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