Ilma CAMERON (née Rowley)

Died 1st of July 2023
Aged 91 years

Beloved wife of Donald (dec.).

Loved mother of Christopher (dec.), Dimity and Peter, Donna and Damien, Kylie and Nick.

Grandmother to Alice, Daisy, Rory, Romy, Fay and David

Will be missed




Funeral Notice

ServiceJuly 7, 2023 - 2:00 pm21 Regent Street Port Fairy , VIC Venue: St John's Anglican Church

The Funeral Service for ILMA will be held at St John’s Anglican Church, 21 Regent Street, Port Fairy on FRIDAY (July 7) commencing at 2.00pm. Private Cremation


  1. Dear Dimity, Donna and Kylie –
    I am sorry to hear about the death of your mother. She was a thoughtful woman and I always enjoyed talking to her. All the best. Amanda Blohm

    Amanda Blohm July 16, 2023
  2. My deepest sympathy to Dimity, Donna, Kylie & their families. I have many fond memories of the good times we had with the whole family at Macarthur & Port Fairy.
    Especially those very memorable New Years Day luncheons.
    Don & Ilma were always so welcoming to all.
    John, Alan & I were only just talking about Ilma last week wandering how she was going, only to find out a few days later dear Ilma had passed away.
    Thinking of you all.

    Lynne & Mel Boschen July 9, 2023
  3. Sincerest sympathy to Dimity, Donna, Kylie and families. Ilma was lifelong friend and we always looked forward to New Years Day at Port Fairy especially her magical plum pudding. So many wonderful memories over the years. thinking of you all at this sad time. She will certainly be missed. Wish I was able to be with you this afternoon.
    Love and fondest wishes from all the family.
    Helen Glare

    Helen Glare July 7, 2023
  4. Dear Cameron family,

    I was very fortunate to see Ilma’s notice in the Herald Sun newspaper, and would like to send our sincere condolences to you all.
    I was the teacher-in-charge of numerous visits to your Burando Farm at Macarthur (which we called the “Macarthur Hilton” !) in the 1980s.
    My three children visited Burando on different trips, and one son remembers Chris and Donna as individuals.
    I don’t remember names as such, but I do remember one of you girls outsmarting me in some mischievous event!
    On behalf of the numerous students, plus my family, and fellow leader, Chris Shimmen, we want you all to know that we treasure our memories of Ilma (who gave us wonderful meals), and of course Don, for his generous welcome to your property.

    Please note that I have emailed a photo to Margaret at Guyetts from one of our visits, and supplied my phone number should you wish to respond to my message.

    Yours sincerely,
    Ralph Sinclair

    Ralph Sinclair (Syndal Technical School) July 7, 2023
  5. Dear Dimity Donna Kylie and families,
    So sorry to hear of Ilma’s passing. The world has lost one amazing original lady whose kindness, compassion and thoughtfulness was never ending. Love Lindy and Gavan x

    Lindy Sharp July 6, 2023
  6. Dear Dimity and Donna and families
    Thinking of you all and sending love ❤️. I wish I could be with you to share the memories ..she was so kind to mum in her later years and always had the door open for me and a welcome smile.
    She had such a positive impact on me as a young person , I will always remember her kindness and quirky ways . Rest in peace dear illy x
    Annie , Madhu and Aruna

    Annie Holcombe July 6, 2023
  7. My darling friend Dimmy, Peter, Donna & Damien, Daisy, Alice & Romy.
    I have many funny memories of Illy, as she did of me. Growing up and spending time down at Macarthur and Pt.Fairy with the family, are some of my best times. I will miss her smile, her cheeky laugh and dry wit. Keep giving it from the other side Illy and I’ll see you later. My love hugs and kisses to all above. Gill & Rob Browne xx

    Gillian Browne July 5, 2023
  8. Port Fairy Probus Club is saddened by the passing of Ilma. Ilma was a member, secretary and committee member for many years. Our condolences to the families.

    Joyce Brown July 5, 2023
  9. Dearest Dimity, Donna, Kylie and your families. Thinking of you all at this time. New Years Day for so many years was something to hold out for and then to hold on to as such good memories. Ilma was loved by us all. From the Glare family. Helen, Richard, Kate and Ro.

    Rowena Glare July 5, 2023
  10. To dearest Dimity, IIma was such a wonderful friend to mum we thought the world of her. Annie loved her as well all the time she spent with you and your family growing up. Fondest memories love and hugs Rhonda and Normie 💕

    Rhonda HOLCOMBE July 5, 2023
  11. Our sincere sympathy to Dimity and Peter, Donna and Damian on the passing of Ilma. May she Rest In Peace.

    Joan and Don July 5, 2023
  12. Our condolences to the families of Ilma a loyal member of the Port Fairy Historical Society. Ilma always attended every general meeting.
    We will miss her smiling face
    From the members of the Port Fairy Historical Society

    Lynda Tieman July 4, 2023
  13. Our thoughts are with you Dimity and Peter and Donna and Damien

    Joy an John July 4, 2023