Henry and Nancy CAIN

Henry Alexander
17/06/1931 – 18/11/2022

4/02/1934 – 18/11/2022

Henry and Nancy passed away on Friday

Loved mother and ‘Henry’ of Robert McKay, Joy and Bob Igari.

Adored grandma and grandpa of Nicole and Paul, and Jason.

Great grandma and grandpa of Jack and Cooper.

Henry and Nancy will now have their 35th wedding anniversary together in Heaven


Funeral Notice

ServiceNovember 28, 2022 - 2:00 pm271 Raglan Parade Warrnambool, VIC Venue: Eastern Park

Family and friends of HENRY and NANCY are invited to attend a Funeral Service at the Eastern Park Chapel, 271 Raglan Parade, Warrnambool on MONDAY (November 28) commencing at 2.00pm. Visit Guyetts Funerals webpage for livestream access or to leave tributes and condolences.


  1. The Warrnambool Mozart Choral Group was saddened to learn of the passing of Henry and Nancy.
    A wonderful couple who supported and were a part of the WMCG over many decades.
    Henry was a much beloved Tenor who added more than a touch of sparkle to our singing. He loved sitting amongst his fellow tenors at weekly rehearsals. After he went into care his friends in the choir were able to make arrangements that enabled him to continue to participate as the much valued member of the choir that he was.
    At Henry’s 90th Birthday Celebrations in 2021 he spoke about his love of singing from an early age beginning at church.
    Henry served as secretary to the Mozart Choral for many years, and during this time the Committee enjoyed Henry and Nancy’s hospitality as they hosted the meetings which were followed by suppers that are now legendry.
    Nancy was the quiet support behind Henry, bringing him to rehearsals and helping behind the scenes on many occasions. She was also the ticket sales person for all our concerts up until recent times.
    We offer our heartfelt sympathy to their family,
    Two remarkable people who will be much missed.
    Margaret Wearne

    Margaret Wearne November 23, 2022
  2. A beautiful couple, together forever.

    Carol Boyd November 22, 2022
  3. sad news but i guess they had a plan thots go to my cousins Robin, Joy and their families Although we never met i wish you both the best of luck going forward i hope they catered for you both

    derek stewart November 22, 2022
  4. Warrnambool Men’s Probus group wish to express our deepest sympathy to the family. Henry was a Life Member of our club and will be sadly missed.

    Trevor Lucas, Hon Sec November 21, 2022
  5. Sad news indeed. Wonderful servants of Warrnambool Uniting Church Child Care Centre, never to be forgotten. Together forever.

    Gordon Curran November 20, 2022